Case studies

7/23 - 2/24: Developing a high-performing Executive team at a Human Services NFP

With 1:1s, facilitated away-days, and a feedback process with Senior Leaders, I supported the newly-created Executive in this new NFP through team dynamics, conflict resolution and decision-making to create a high performance team.

11/22 - 6/23: Developing the Public Engagement Framework for a World Heritage Site

Created the Public Engagement framework; a process for the development, design, delivery and operation of public spaces and experiences; a suite of customisable tools and an implementation plan.

11/23 - 12/23: Major project inception for major arts event at a Botanic Garden

Through workshops and 1:1s, led the leadership team at a Botanic Garden through project inception activities for a significant major event. Gave assurance and insight to Board, and created initial workplan and project tools prior to announcement and recruitment of Project leader

Current projects, Q2 2025

  • Reviewing the structure and accountabilities of a large NFP’s Executive

  • Developing the 2025-27 Strategy for an Australasian medical college

  • Developing strategy implementation plans for two large NFP service organisations

  • Practical culture development with an NFP Executive Team